Discussing Media-Philosophical.

Media-Philosophical: Gentle discusion.
The term Media-philosophical is the term given to this reflection. My concern in this thinking is the reciprocatory understanding between media and philosophy. There also debate concerning the relationship of media and philosophy, if you may call it ‘debate’. Here we will be looking at the differences only, while in the later article, we shall delve into the area of commonality. The difference between media theory and media philosophy is rooted in media studies and concerns about the supposed effects of media, often in relation to concrete media such as film, television, and the computer, media philosophy does not set out to offer a logical theory of the media in the same sense as much as it seeks to provide a platform for conceptual thought about the fundamental concepts and presumptions behind technical apparatuses more generally. Another difference seems to lie in the media themselves. Whereas one may say that each medium embodies a philosophy, a medium does not carry a medium theory of itself. Theory then seems to be about something, a proposition of sorts, while philosophy can be part of that which it attempts to say something about. As such what a medium is, its properties, ways of revealing the world, or transmitting something already contains another medium.  To follow McLuhan and Lorenz Engell’s arguments, (2010), media do not have to wait for philosophy in order to be conceptualized; they always already work on this conceptual work themselves.


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