All Life has Value
Unlike most other vacation, I did not return immediately to my home country to see family and friends. Rather I opted to spend one beautiful day in the jungle. Life in the jungle is one of the amazing one. Beautiful leaves, cool spring moving down the rocks. Butterfly with cute colours, monkeys jumping from one tree to another. What a long traceable legs to see. There I find a young girl who was pinging amidst the jungle. I asked “do you get network in the jungle? She replied ‘you could have asked me how do I get mobile in the jungle’. This little girl suspends my though into thinking about the life in the jungle

All life has value - I don’t say this with any religious scripture in mind, rather I base this statement off of my own interpretations of what it is to be human and humane. While the above message may seem like a simple statement, it is one that is too frequently forgotten and I plead never forget this message, there are no limits to the amount of good we can each do upon others when we bear this at the forefront of our minds.


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